
Abstracting Code Patterns

a.k.a. Dont Repeat Yourself


Rendering the Values of a List

Squaring the values of a list

Common Pattern: map over a list

Refactor iteration into mapList

Reuse map to implement inc and sqr


Incrementing and Squaring the Values of a Tree

QUIZ: map over a Tree

Refactor iteration into mapTree! What should the type of mapTree be?

Lets write mapTree


Wait … there is a common pattern across two datatypes

Lets make a class for it!

What type should we give to fmap?

Reuse Iteration Across Types

And now we can do

Exercise: Write a Functor instance for Result

When you’re done you should see

Next: A Class for Sequencing

Recall our old Expr datatype

But, what is the result

A crash! Lets look at an alternative approach to avoid dividing by zero.

The idea is to return a Result Int (instead of a plain Int)

  • If a sub-expression had a divide by zero, return Error "..."
  • If all sub-expressions were safe, then return the actual Result v

The good news, no nasty exceptions, just a plain Error result

The bad news: the code is super duper gross

Lets spot a Pattern

The code is gross because we have these cascading blocks

but really both blocks have something common pattern

  1. Evaluate e
  2. If the result is an Error then return that error.
  3. If the result is a Value v then do some further processing on v.

Lets bottle that common structure in two functions:

  • >>= (pronounced bind)
  • return (pronounced return)
Bottling a Magic Pattern
Bottling a Magic Pattern

NOTE: return is not a keyword; it is just the name of a function!

A Cleaned up Evaluator

The magic bottle lets us clean up our eval

The gross pattern matching is all hidden inside >>=

Notice the >>= takes two inputs of type:

  • Result Int (e.g. eval e1 or eval e2)
  • Int -> Result Int (e.g. The processing function that takes the v and does stuff with it)

In the above, the processing functions are written using \v1 -> ... and \v2 -> ...

NOTE: It is crucial that you understand what the code above is doing, and why it is actually just a “shorter” version of the (gross) nested-case-of eval.

A Class for >>=

Like fmap or show or jval or ==, the >>= operator is useful across many types, so we capture it in an interface/typeclass:

Notice how the definitions for Result fit the above, with m = Result

Syntax for >>=

In fact >>= is so useful there is special syntax for it.

Instead of writing

you can write

Thus, we can further simplify our eval to:

Writing Applications

In most language related classes, we start with a “Hello world!” program.

With 130, we will end with it.

Purity and the Immutability Principle

Haskell is a pure language. Not a value judgment, but a precise technical statement:

The “Immutability Principle”:

  • A function must always return the same output for a given input

  • A function’s behavior should never change

No Side Effects

Haskell’s most radical idea: expression ==> value

  • When you evaluate an expression you get a value and nothing else happens

Specifically, evaluation must not have an side effects

  • change a global variable or

  • print to screen or

  • read a file or

  • send an email or

  • launch a missile.


Means functions may depend only on their inputs

  • i.e. functions should give the same output for the same input every time.

But… how to write “Hello, world!”

But, we want to …

  • print to screen
  • read a file
  • send an email

A language that only lets you write factorial and fibonacci is … not very useful!

Thankfully, you can do all the above via a very clever idea: Recipe


This analogy is due to Joachim Brietner

Haskell has a special type called IO – which you can think of as Recipe

A value of type Recipe a is

  • a description of an effectful computations

  • when when executed (possibly) perform some effectful I/O operations to

  • produce a value of type a.

Recipes have No Effects

A value of type Recipe a is

  • Just a description of an effectful computation

  • An inert, perfectly safe thing with no effects.

Cake vs. Recipe
Cake vs. Recipe

(L) chocolate cake, (R) a sequence of instructions on how to make a cake.

They are different (hint: only one of them is delicious.)

Merely having a Recipe Cake has no effects: holding the recipe

  • Does not make your oven hot

  • Does not make your your floor dirty

Executing Recipes

There is only one way to execute a Recipe a

Haskell looks for a special value

The value associated with main is handed to the runtime system and executed

Baker Aker
Baker Aker

The Haskell runtime is a master chef who is the only one allowed to cook!

How to write an App in Haskell

Make a Recipe () that is handed off to the master chef main.

  • main can be arbitrarily complicated

  • will be composed of many smaller recipes

Hello World

The function putStrLn

  • takes as input a String
  • returns as output a Recipe ()

putStrLn msg is a Recipe () when executed prints out msg on the screen.

… and we can compile and run it

QUIZ: Combining Recipes

Next, lets write a program that prints multiple things:

What must the type of combine be?

Using Intermediate Results

Next, lets write a program that

  1. Asks for the user’s name using
  1. Prints out a greeting with that name using

Problem: How to pass the output of first recipe into the second recipe?

QUIZ: Using Yolks to Make Batter

Suppose you have two recipes

and we want to get

What must the type of combineWithResult be?

Looks Familar

Wait a bit, the signature looks familiar!

Remember this

Recipe is an instance of Monad

In fact, in the standard library

So we can put this together with putStrLn to get:

or, using do notation the above becomes


  1. Compile and run to make sure its ok!
  2. Modify the above to repeatedly ask for names.
  3. Extend the above to print a “prompt” that tells you how many iterations have occurred.

Monads are Amazing

Monads have had a revolutionary influence in PL, well beyond Haskell, some recent examples

  • Error handling in go e.g. 1 and 2

  • Asynchrony in JavaScript e.g. 1 and 2

  • Big data pipelines e.g. LinQ and TensorFlow

A Silly App to End CSE 130

Lets write an app called moo inspired by cowsay

A Command Line App


moo works with pipes

Thanks, and good luck for the final!
Thanks, and good luck for the final!