Final Exam Review

Tips for Writing Programs about Programming Languages

Start with the base cases

They are usually more straightforward and don’t require thinking about recursion.

Pay attention to the types you have and what you’re trying to produce

My process for writing eval env (EVar x) looks something like:

  1. What is the type of eval? It’s Env -> Expr -> Value where Env = [(Id, Value)]
  2. We’re working with EVar x so we also have x of type Id.
  3. So at hand we have: an Id, an Env that is a [(Id, Value)], and if we look at our helper functions we have a function lookupId :: [(Id, Value)] -> Id -> Value.
  4. This looks like a good solution so let’s start there and we see that lookupId env x works and does what it should do.

We can follow this for other base cases where it’s sometimes even more straightforward. For eval env (EInt i) we have i of type Int. We also have VInt which takes an Int and produces a Value. And indeed the implementation is eval env (EInt i) = VInt i.


env was very important to the previous example and these contexts/environments show up frequently in programming languages. Whenever we are dealing with a variable, we probably want to do it using the environment. We will see an example of this next when talking about EApp.


For cases with sub Expressions: these will probably be recursive. So anytime we see a case like eval env (EApp e1 e2) we’re probably going to want to call eval ___ e1 and eval ___ e2. Keep these around as eval let’s us produce Values which is our eventual goal.

My first step for thinking about these “complex” expressions is to think of a specific example (doing the base cases first will help here), say (\x -> x) 1 which we know should evaluate to 1. This case would look like

eval env (EApp (ELam "x" (EVar "x")) (EInt 1)) 

However, we are just using this to help us figure out how to write eval env (EApp e1 e2) so keep e1 = (ELam "x" (EVar "x")) and e2 = (EInt 1) in mind but don’t focus too much on them.

At this point we have hopefully written the eval cases for ELam and EInt. So we know that eval env e1 in this case will return VClos env "x" (EVar "x"). We also know that eval env e2 will return VInt 1.

Now we see that we’re dealing with a variable particularly the "x" argument of the closure. A closure is a function values so it is waiting for an argument to substitute for "x". What does substitution mean though? Here substitution means that, when we evaluate the body (EVar x), we want it to return 1. When does eval ___ (EVar x) return 1? Why when ___ has the binding (x, VInt 1).

Now we have arrived at the partial implementation:

eval env (EApp e1 e2) = eval (x, v2):___ body
    VClos closEnv x body = eval env e1
    v2 = eval env e2

Lastly we have to figure out what to put as the rest of the environment when evaluating body. Here it is time to once again take stock of what types of things we have, in particular, what things of type Env we have (it’s env and closEnv). Now it pays to think about the case of eval env (ELam x body) = VClos env x body. Remember that the env when evaluating (ELam x body) is the closEnv in the EApp case. Here it pays to try to think about why we have closEnv. It captures the environment when a function is defined so let’s think about where that might be the case:

let x = 1 in
let f = \y -> x in
let x = 2 in
f 1

This should evaluate to 1. Importantly for our implementation of eval for EApp it is the closEnv when defining the lambda that contains (x, VInt 1) whereas env at the application site contains (x, VInt 2). So we arrive at

eval env (EApp e1 e2) = eval (x, v2):closEnv body
    VClos closEnv x body = eval env e1
    v2 = eval env e2

Don’t be more specific than you need to be

While we used EInt 1 as the argument in our example we never had to look inside of it, all we had to do was call eval env e2. You should try to do this whenever possible: if you don’t need to know specific information about a subterm besides what it evaluates to (or whatever other thing you are computing) then just do the recursive call on it.

For non-recursive ELet we don’t actually care what e1 or e2 in let x = e1 in e2 are. All we need to do is evaluate e1 to v1, see that we have a variable, add (x, v1) to the environment, and then evaluate e2 in the new environment. In that description it never mattered what the actual expressions e1 and e2 are so we shouldn’t pay attention to that. Just treat them as abstract expressions.

This is in contrast to e1 in the EApp case because there we need to know that the first thing evaluates to a function. But notice that we only care that it evaluates to a function, so we only need to look at e1 after evaluating it. This is a good general rule for writing recursive functions for programming languages: poke the subterms with the function you’re defining (here call eval env e1), then look at what you get back.


When writing a case have a test in mind and run your code on it. When we were writing the eval case for EApp above we had the test case (\x -> x) 1 in mind. After you write the code hop over to GHCI and run that test case and see if it does what you expect. Don’t wait until you’ve implemented every case and then test some large chunk of code because debugging that will be hard.

Good luck.