A Programming Language
Two Variables
Three Operations
x = 0 ? L1 : L2
Example Program
(What does it do?)
The above language is “equivalent to” every PL!
But good luck writing
- … QuickSort
- … Fortnite
- … Spotify!
So Why Study Programming Languages?
![Federico Fellini](../static/img/fellini.png)
A different language is a different vision of life.
So Why Study Programming Languages?
The principle of linguistic relativity holds that the structure of a language affects its speakers world view or cognition.
Or more simply:
Programming Language shapes Programming Thought.
Language affects how ideas and computation are expressed
Course Goals
![130 Brain](../static/img/galaxy-brain-130.jpg)
New languages come (and go …)
There was no
- Java 25 years ago
- C# 20 years ago
- Rust 10 years ago
- WebAssembly 2 years ago
What is CSE 130 about?
- Concepts in programming languages
- Programming paradigms
- Language design and implementation
Goal: Learn the Anatomy of PL
- What makes a programming language?
- Which features are fundamental and which are syntactic sugar?
Goal: Learn New Languages / Constructs
![Musical Score](../static/img/music-score.png)
New ways to describe and organize computation, to create programs that are:
- Correct
- Readable
- Extendable
- Reusable
Goal: How to Design new Languages
New hot lanuages being designed in industry as we speak:
- Flow, React @ Facebook
- Rust @ Mozilla
- TypeScript @ Microsoft
- Swift @ Apple
- WebAssembly @ Google + Mozilla + Microsoft
Buried in every large system is a (domain-specific) language
- Word, Excel: Formulas, Macros, VBScript
- Emacs: LISP
- Latex, shell scripts, makefiles, …
If you work on a large system, you will design a new PL!
Goal: Enable You To Choose Right PL
But isn’t that decided by
- Libraries
- Standards
- Hiring
- Your Boss?!
My goal: Educate tomorrow’s leaders so you’ll make informed choices.
What is CSE 130 not about?
- JavaScript in April
- Haskell in May
- C++ in June
Who am I?
Professor at CSE since 2005
Research: Tools and Techniques to make programs better
The Crew
Teaching Assistants
Course Syllabus
Functional Programming
- Lambda calculus (2 weeks)
- Haskell (6 weeks)
Logic Programming
- Prolog (2 weeks?)
QuickSort in C
void sort(int arr[], int beg, int end){
if (end > beg + 1){
int piv = arr[beg];
int l = beg + 1;
int r = end;
while (l != r-1)
if(arr[l] <= piv) l++;
else swap(&arr[l], &arr[r--]);
if(arr[l]<=piv && arr[r]<=piv)
else if(arr[l]<=piv && arr[r]>piv)
{l++; r--;}
else if (arr[l]>piv && arr[r]<=piv)
swap(&arr[l++], &arr[r--]);
else r=l-1;
swap(&arr[r--], &arr[beg]);
sort(arr, beg, r);
sort(arr, l, end);
QuickSort in Haskell
sort [] = []
sort (x:xs) = sort ls ++ [x] ++ sort rs
ls = [ l | l <- xs, l <= x ]
rs = [ r | r <- xs, x < r ]
(not a wholly fair comparison…)
Course Logistics
- Calendar
- Lecture notes
- Programming assignments
- Go-to place if you have a question or need help
- Email is futile
- 30% Assignments
- 30% Midterm (Feb 10)
- 35% Final (Mar 18)
- 05% Class participation (clickers)
- 05% Piazza Extra Credit
- To top 20 best participants
6 programming assignments
- Released online
- At least a week before due date
- On github
Four late days
- used as whole unit
- 5 mins late = 1 late day
Groups of two can do hw together
- On
or your own machine - Register your group here
- Submit individually (via github)
- in-class on Monday, Feb 10
- 2-sided “cheat sheet”
- March 18, 8-11a
- 2-sided “cheat sheet”
- The final is cumulative
- Midterm grade is calculated as
midterm > 0 ? max(final, midterm) : 0
- you get a second chance if you don’t do well on the midterm
- you must take the midterm and the final
Assigned Seating
Make class interactive
- Help you and me understand what’s tricky
Clickers Are Not Optional
- Cheap ones are fine
- Respond to 75% questions
- Register your clicker here
Clicker Protocol
- Solo Vote
- Think for yourself, select answer
- Discuss
- Analyze Problem in Groups
- Reach consensus
- Have questions, raise your hand!
- Group Vote
- Everyone in group votes
- Hopefully the same way but not enforced
- You don’t have to answer correctly to get points!
- Class Discuss
- What was easy or tricky?
Your Resources
Discussion section
- Wednesday 05:00-06:00pm in CENTER 113
Office hours
- Every day, check calendar
- We answer during work hours and office hours
No text
- Online lecture notes and links
Academic Integrity
Programming assignments: do not copy from classmates or from previous years
Exams done alone
- Zero Tolerance
- Offenders punished ruthlessly
- Please see academic integrity statement
Students with Disabilites
Students requesting accommodations for this course due to a disability or current functional limitation must provide a current Authorization for Accommodation (AFA) letter issued by the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) which is located in University Center 202 behind Center Hall.
Students are required to present their AFA letters to Faculty (please make arrangements to contact me privately) and to the CSE OSD Liaison Christina Rontell in advance so that accommodations may be arranged.
Diversity and Inclusion
- Create a diverse and inclusive learning environment
- Where all students feel comfortable and can thrive.
- Please let us know if there is a way to make you feel more included
- In person, via email/discussion board, or slip note under my door!
- Students will honor and respect your classmates!
- Abide by the UCSD Principles of Community
- Understand that others’ backgrounds, perspectives and experiences will be different
- Help build an environment where everyone is respected and comfortable.
If you experience any harassment or discrimination
Contact the Office of Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination
Students may receive confidential assistance
Sexual Assault Resource Center at (858) 534-5793
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at (858) 534-3755.
Basic Needs
- Are you eating properly?
- Do you have adequate access to nutritious food?
- Do you have stable housing?
- Are you homeless or couch surfing?
If you or someone you know has food and/or housing insecurity, be aware of Basic Needs
- The Triton Food Pantry (in the old Student Center), is free and anonymous, and includes produce.
- Financial aid resources, the possibility of emergency grant funding, and off-campus housing referral resources are available.
- CAPS and college deans can connect students to the above resources, as well as other community resources and support.