Logic Programming II

Numeric Computations: add

let add x y = x + y
addP(X,Y,Out) :- Out is X+Y.

We “call” the function with a query:

?- add(1,5,Z).

?- add(10,20,Z).

Numeric Computations: fibonacci

First attempt.

let rec fib n = match n with | 0 -> 1 | 1 -> 1 | n -> fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)

fibP(0, 1).
fibP(1, 1).
fibP(N, R) :- N1 is N-1
            , N2 is N-2
						, fibP(N1, R1)
						, fibP(N2,R2)
            , R is R1+R2.

Lets “call” it with a query:

?- fib(5, R).
R = 8
ERROR: Out of local stack

Oops. Why?

Numeric Computations: fibonacci

Second attempt.

fib(N, 1) :- N < 2.
fib(N, R) :- N1 is N-1, N2 is N-2, fib(N1, R1), fib(N2,R2), R is R1+R2.

Lets “call” it with a query:

?- fib(5, R).
R = 8
R = 9
R = 10
R = 11
R = 12
R = 13
R = 14
R = 15 .

Say whaaaaaaaat?!

Numeric Computations: fibonacci

Third attempt!

fib(N, 1) :- N < 2.
fib(N, R) :- 1 < N, N1 is N-1, N2 is N-2, fib(N1, R1), fib(N2,R2), R is R1+R2.

Again, “call” it with a query

?- fib(5, R).
R = 8.

Fingers crossed!

?- fib(5, R).
R = 8

Numeric Computations: factorial

Which of the following is a correct implementation of factorial?

% A
factorial(N,R) :- N1 is N-1, factorial(N1,R1), R is N * R1.

% B
factorial(N,1) :- N < 2.
factorial(N,R) :- N1 is N-1, factorial(N1,R1), R is N * R1.

% C
factorial(N,1) :- N < 2.
factorial(N,R) :- 1 < N, N1 is N-1, factorial(N1,R1), R is N * R1.

% D
factorial(N,R) :- 1 < N, N1 is N-1, factorial(N1,R1), R is N * R1.
factorial(N,1) :- N < 2.


In prolog a list is “built-in”.

  • Of course, also just a term.
?- [H|T] = [1,2,3].
H = 1,
T = [2, 3].

Feels just like ML style pattern matching!

Lists: head and tail

We have to write them as predicates

  • With an extra output parameter
headP([H|_], H).

tailP([_|T], T]).

Lists: hasThreeOrMore

We want a predicate such that:

?- hasThreeOrMore([]).

?- hasThreeOrMore([1]).

?- hasThreeOrMore([1,two]).

?- hasThreeOrMore([1,two,dog]).

?- hasThreeOrMore([1,two,dog,[7]]).

Which of these is an implementation of such a predicate?

?- hasThreeOrMore([_|_]).					% A
?- hasThreeOrMore([_,_|_]).				% B
?- hasThreeOrMore([_,_,_|_]).     % C
?- hasThreeOrMore([_,_,_,_|_]).   % D
?- hasThreeOrMore([_,_,_]).       % E

Lists: isIn

Lets write a predicate to check if X is in some list Xs.

isIn(1, []) == FALSE isIn(1, [1]) == TRUE isIn(1, [2,1]) == TRUE isIn(1, [2,4]) == FALSE

isIn(X,[_|T]) :- isIn(X,T).

Lists: len

Lets write a “function” to add up the elements of a list

len(Xs, R).

Lists: sum

Lets write a “function” to add up the elements of a list

let rec sum xs = match xs with | [] -> 0 | (h::t) -> h + sum t

sumP([], 0).
sumP([H|T], R) :- sumP(T, R1), R is H + R1.  

Lists: append

let rec append xs ys = match xs with | [] -> ys | (h::t) -> h :: (append t ys)

Lets write a “function” to append two lists.

append([]   , Ys, Ys).
append([H|T], Ys, [H|R]) :- append(T, Ys, R).

Unlike elsewhere, the prolog append is a magical.

  ?- append([1,2,3], [4,5,6], R).

Lists: reverse

reverse(X, Y) :- revAcc(X,Y,[]).

revAcc([], Y, Y).
revAcc([H|T], Y, Acc) :- revAcc(T, Y, [H|Acc]).

Puzzle: Farmer, Wolf, Goat, Cabbage.





Puzzle Farmer, Wolf, Goat, Cabbage

change(east, west).
change(west, east).
move([X,X,P_Goat,P_Cabbage],move_wolf,[Y,Y,P_Goat,P_Cabbage]) :- change(X,Y).
move([X,P_Wolf,X,P_Cabbage],move_goat,[Y,P_Wolf,Y,P_Cabbage]) :- change(X,Y).
move([X,P_Wolf,P_Goat,X],move_cabbage,[Y,P_Wolf,P_Goat,Y]) :- change(X,Y).
move([X,P_Wolf,P_Goat,P_Cabbage],move_nothing,[Y,P_Wolf,P_Goat,P_Cabbage]) :- change(X,Y).
safe([P_Farmer,P_Wolf,P_Goat,P_Cabbage]) :-

solution(State,[FirstMove|RemainingMoves]) :-

And now we solve it!

?- length(Moves, 7), solution([west,west,west,west], Moves).