Partial Solution Key For Sample Exams

Final Fall 06

6 (a)

def elementAndRest[A](xs: List[A]): Iterator[(A, List[A])] = {
  for (i <- (0 until xs.length).iterator)
    yield (xs(i), xs.slice(0, i) ++ xs.slice(i+1, xs.length))

6 (b)

def permutations[A](xs: List[A]): Iterator[List[A]] =
  xs match {
    case Nil     =>
    case x::rest =>
      for ( ys <- permutations(rest)
          ; i  <- 0 until xs.length)
      yield ys.slice(0, i) ++ List(x) ++ ys.slice(i, ys.length)

Fall 07

6 (d)

object tick {
  private var ctr = 0
  def apply() = {
    ctr += 1

7 (a)

def valid(es:List[(Int, Int)], c: List[Int]): Boolean =
  es.forall(e => c(e._1) != c(e._2))

7 (b)

def colorings(n: Int, k: Int): List[List[Int]] = {
  if (n <= 0) List(List())
  else { for ( cs <- colorings(n-1, k)
             ;  c <- 0 until k)
         yield (c::cs) }

7 (c)

def initColoring(n: Int) =
  (0 until n) => 0)

def lastColoring(xs: List[Int], k: Int) =
  xs.forall(_ == k-1)

def nextColoring(xs: List[Int], k: Int) = {
  var res : List[Int] = List()
  var carry = 1
  for (i <- (xs.length - 1) to 0 by -1) {
    val sum = carry + xs(i)
    val dig = sum % k
    carry   = sum / k
    res     = dig :: res

Midterm Spring 12

1 (a)

val (<.>) : ('b -> 'c) -> ('a -> 'b) -> ('a -> 'c)

1 (b)


1 (c)

let giftList =
  let rec helper acc xs = match xs with
    | []     -> acc^" and thats what I want for Christmas!"
    | x::xs' -> helper (acc ^ " and ") xs'
  in helper ""

2 (a)

val getEven : int list -> int option

2 (b)

let rec find_first f xs = match xs with
  | []     -> None
  | x::xs' -> if f x then Some x else find_first f xs'

2 (c)

val tree_to_string: string tree -> string

2 (d)

let rec post_fold f b t = match t with
  | Leaf           -> b
  | Node (x, l, r) -> f x (post_fold f b l) (post_fold f b r)

2 (e)

let rec in_fold f b t = match t with
  | Leaf           -> b
  | Node (x, l, r) -> let bl = in_fold f b l  in
                      let bx = f bl x         in
                      let br = in_fold f bx r in

3 (a)

Left 3

3 (b)

Right "monkey"

3 (c)

let rec assoc key kvs = match kvs with
  | (k, v)::rest -> if key = k then Right v else assoc key rest
  | []           -> Left key

3 (d)

let map f e = match e with
  | Left l -> Left l
  | Right r -> Right (f r)

3 (e)

let map2 f e1 e2 = match (e1, e2) with
  | Right r1, Right r2 -> Right (f r1 r2)
  | Left l, _  -> Left l
  | _, Left l  -> Left l

4 (a)

let lookup x env = match assoc x env with
  | Left z  -> Left (UnboundVariable z)
  | Right i -> Right i

4 (b)

let safeDiv n m =
  if m != 0 then Right (n / m) else Left DivideByZero

4 (c)

let rec eval env e = match e with
  | Const i            -> Right i
  | Var v              -> lookup v env
  | Bin (e1, Plus, e2) -> map2 (+) (eval env e1) (eval env e2)
  | Bin (e1, Div, e2)  -> (match (eval env e1) (eval env e2) with
                           | _, Right 0 -> Left DivideByZero
                           | Right i1, Right i2 -> Right (i1/ i2)
                           | Left l, _ | _, Left l -> Left l)