Haskell Crash Course Part I

From the Lambda Calculus to Haskell

What is Haskell?

A typed, lazy, purely functional programming language

Haskell = λ-calculus ++

  • better syntax
  • types
  • built-in features
    • booleans, numbers, characters
    • records (tuples)
    • lists
    • recursion

Programming in Haskell

Computation by Calculation

Substituting equals by equals

Computation via Substituting Equals by Equals

    (1 + 3) * (4 + 5)
                        -- subst 1 + 3 = 4
==>       4 * (4 + 5)
                        -- subst 4 + 5 = 9
==>       4 * 9
                        -- subst 4 * 9 = 36
==>       36

Computation via Substituting Equals by Equals

Equality-Substitution enables Abstraction via Pattern Recognition

Abstraction via Pattern Recognition

Repeated Expressions

                31 * (42 + 56)
                70 * (12 + 95)
                90 * (68 + 12)

Recognize Pattern as λ-function

pat = \x y z -> x  * ( y + z )

Equivalent Haskell Definition

pat   x y z =  x  * ( y + z )

Function Call is Pattern Instance

pat 31 42 56 =*> 31 * (42 + 56) =*> 31 * 98  =*> 3038
pat 70 12 95 =*> 70 * (12 + 95) =*> 70 * 107 =*> 7490
pat 90 68 12 =*> 90 * (68 + 12) =*> 90 * 80  =*> 7200

Key Idea: Computation is substitute equals by equals.

Programming in Haskell

Substitute Equals by Equals

Thats it! (Do not think of registers, stacks, frames etc.)

Elements of Haskell

  • Core program element is an expression
  • Every valid expression has a type (determined at compile-time)
  • Every valid expression reduces to a value (computed at run-time)

Ill-typed* expressions are rejected at compile-time before execution

  • like in Java
  • not like λ-calculus or Python …
weirdo = 1 0     -- rejected by GHC

Why are types good?

  • Helps with program design
  • Types are contracts (ignore ill-typed inputs!)
  • Catches errors early
  • Allows compiler to generate code
  • Enables compiler optimizations

The Haskell Eco-System

  • Batch compiler: ghc Compile and run large programs

  • Interactive Shell ghci Shell to interactively run small programs online

  • Build Tool stack Build tool to manage libraries etc.

Interactive Shell: ghci

$ stack ghci

:load file.hs
:type expression
:info variable

A Haskell Source File

A sequence of top-level definitions x1, x2, …

  • Each has type type_1, type_2, …

  • Each defined by expression expr_1, expr_2, …

x_1 :: type_1
x_1 = expr_1

x_2 :: type_2
x_2 = expr_2


Basic Types

ex1 :: Int
ex1 = 31 * (42 + 56)   -- this is a comment

ex2 :: Double
ex2 = 3 * (4.2 + 5.6)  -- arithmetic operators "overloaded"

ex3 :: Char
ex3 = 'a'              -- 'a', 'b', 'c', etc. built-in `Char` values

ex4 :: Bool
ex4 = True             -- True, False are builtin Bool values

ex5 :: Bool
ex5 = False

QUIZ: Basic Operations

ex6 :: Int
ex6 = 4 + 5

ex7 :: Int
ex7 = 4 * 5

ex8 :: Bool
ex8 = 5 > 4

quiz :: ???
quiz = if ex8 then ex6 else ex7

What is the type of quiz?

A. Int

B. Bool

C. Error!

QUIZ: Basic Operations

ex6 :: Int
ex6 = 4 + 5

ex7 :: Int
ex7 = 4 * 5

ex8 :: Bool
ex8 = 5 > 4

quiz :: ???
quiz = if ex8 then ex6 else ex7

What is the value of quiz?

A. 9

B. 20

C. Other!

Function Types

In Haskell, a function is a value that has a type

A -> B

A function that

  • takes input of type A
  • returns output of type B

For example

isPos :: Int -> Bool
isPos = \n -> (x > 0)

Define function-expressions using \ like in λ-calculus!

But Haskell also allows us to put the parameter on the left

isPos :: Int -> Bool
isPos n = (x > 0)

(Meaning is identical to above definition with \n -> ...)

Multiple Argument Functions

A function that

  • takes three inputs A1, A2 and A3
  • returns one output B has the type
A1 -> A2 -> A3 -> B

For example

pat :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
pat = \x y z -> x * (y + z)

which we can write with the params on the left as

pat :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
pat x y z = x * (y + z)


What is the type of quiz ?

quiz :: ???
quiz x y = (x + y) > 0

A. Int -> Int

B. Int -> Bool

C. Int -> Int -> Int

D. Int -> Int -> Bool

E. (Int, Int) -> Bool

Function Calls

A function call is exactly like in the λ-calculus

e1 e2

where e1 is a function and e2 is the argument. For example

>>> isPos 12

>>> isPos (0 - 5)

Multiple Argument Calls

With multiple arguments, just pass them in one by one, e.g.

(((e e1) e2) e3)

For example

>>> pat 31 42 56


Write a function myMax that returns the maximum of two inputs

myMax :: Int -> Int -> Int
myMax = ???

When you are done you should see the following behavior:

>>> myMax 10 20

>>> myMax 100 5


Write a function sumTo such that sumTo n evaluates to 0 + 1 + 2 + ... + n

sumTo :: Int -> Int
sumTo n = ???

When you are done you should see the following behavior:

>>> sumTo 3
>>> sumTo 4
>>> sumTo 5

How to Return Multiple Outputs?


A type for packing n different kinds of values into a single “struct”

(T1,..., Tn)

For example

tup1 :: ???
tup1 = ('a', 5)

tup2 :: (Char, Double, Int)
tup2 = ('a', 5.2, 7)


What is the type ??? of tup3?

tup3 :: ???
tup3 = ((7, 5.2), True)

A. (Int, Bool)

B. (Int, Double, Bool)

C. (Int, (Double, Bool))

D. ((Int, Double), Bool)

E. (Tuple, Bool)

Extracting Values from Tuples

We can create a tuple of three values e1, e2, and e3

tup = (e1, e2, e3)

… but how to extract the values from this tuple?

Pattern Matching via case-of expressions

fst3 :: (t1, t2, t3) -> t1
fst3 t = case t of
           (x1, x2, x3) -> x1

snd3 :: (t1, t2, t3) -> t2
snd3 t = case t of
           (x1, x2, x3) -> x2

thd3 :: (t1, t2, t3) -> t3
thd3 t = case t of
           (x1, x2, x3) -> x3


What is the value of quiz defined as

tup2 :: (Char, Double, Int)
tup2 = ('a', 5.2, 7)

snd3 :: (t1, t2, t3) -> t2
snd3 t = case t of
           (x1, x2, x3) -> x2

quiz = snd3 tup2

A. 'a'

B. 5.2

C. 7

D. ('a', 5.2)

E. (5.2, 7)


Unbounded Sequence of values of type T


For example

chars :: [Char]
chars = ['a', 'b', 'c']

ints :: [Int]
ints = [1, 3, 5, 7]

pairs :: [(Int, Bool)]
pairs = [(1,True), (2,False)]


What is the type of things defined as

things :: ???
things = [ [1], [2, 3], [4, 5, 6] ]

A. [Int]

B. ([Int], [Int], [Int])

C. [(Int, Int, Int)]

D. [[Int]]

E. List

List’s Values Must Have The SAME Type!

The type [T] denotes an unbounded sequence of values of type T

Suppose you have a list

oops = [1, 2, 'c']

There is no T that we can use

  • As last element is not Int
  • First two elements are not Char!

Result: Mysterious Type Error!

Constructing Lists

There are two ways to construct lists

    []     -- creates an empty list
    h:t    -- creates a list with "head" `h` and "tail" `t`

For example

>>> 3 : []

>>> 2 : (3 : [])
[2, 3]

>>> 1 : (2 : (3 : []))
[1, 2, 3]

Cons Operator : is Right Associative

x1 : x2 : x3 : x4 : t means x1 : (x2 : (x3 : (x4 : t)))

So we can just avoid the parentheses.

Syntactic Sugar

Haskell lets you write [x1, x2, x3, x4] instead of x1 : x2 : x3 : x4 : []

Lets write some Functions

A Recipe

Step 1: Write some tests

Step 2: Write the type

Step 3: Write the code

PRACTICE: Functions Producing Lists

Lets write a function copy3 that

  • takes an input x and
  • returns a list with three copies of x

1. Tests

When you are done, you should see the following

>>> copy3 5
[5, 5, 5]

>>> copy3 "cat"
["cat", "cat", "cat"]

2. Type

copy3 :: ???

3. Code

copy3 = ???


Write a function clone such that clone n x returns a list with n copies of x.

1. Tests

When you are done you should see the following behavior

>>> clone 0 "cat"

>>> clone 1 "cat"

>>> clone 2 "cat"
["cat", "cat"]

>>> clone 3 "cat"
["cat", "cat", "cat"]

>>> clone 3 100
[100, 100, 100]

2. Types

clone :: ???

3. Code

clone n x = ???

How does clone execute?

(Substituting equals-by-equals!)

clone 3 100
  =*> ???


Write a function range such that range i j returns the list of values [i, i+1, ..., j]

range :: ???
range i j = ???

1. Tests

>>> range 4 3

>>> range 3 3

>>> range 2 3
[2, 3]

>>> range 1 3
[1, 2, 3]

>>> range 0 3
[0, 1, 2, 3]

2. Type

range :: ???

3. Code

range = ???

Functions Consuming Lists

So far: how to produce lists.

Next how to consume lists!


Lets write a function firstElem such that firstElem xs returns the first element xs if it is a non-empty list, and 0 otherwise.

HINT: How to extract values from a list?

1. Tests

When you are done you should see the following behavior:

>>> firstElem []

>>> firstElem [10, 20, 30]

>>> firstElem [5, 6, 7, 8]

2. Type

firstElem :: ???

3. Code

firstElem = ???


Suppose we have the following mystery function

mystery :: [a] -> Int
mystery l = case l of
              []     -> 0
              (x:xs) -> 1 + mystery xs

What does mystery [10, 20, 30] evaluate to?

A. 10

B. 20

C. 30

D. 3

E. 0

EXERCISE: Summing a List

Write a function sumList such that sumList [x1, ..., xn] returns x1 + ... + xn

1. Tests

When you are done you should get the following behavior:

>>> sumList []

>>> sumlist [3]

>>> sumlist [2, 3]

>>> sumlist [1, 2, 3]

2. Type

sumList :: [Int] -> Int

3. Code

sumList = ???

Functions on lists: take

Let’s write a function to take first n elements of a list xs.

1. Tests

-- >>> ???

2. Type

take :: ???

Some useful library functions

-- | Length of the list
length :: [t] -> Int

-- | Append two lists
(++) :: [t] -> [t] -> [t]

-- | Are two lists equal?
(==) :: [t] -> [t] -> Bool

You can search for library functions on Hoogle!

**3. Code**

take = ???


  • Core program element is an expression
  • Every valid expression has a type (determined at compile-time)
  • Every valid expression reduces to a value (computed at run-time)


  • Basic values & operators

  • Execution / Function Calls just substitute equals by equals

  • Pack data into tuples & lists

  • Unpack data via pattern-matching