Late Policy
You have a total of six late days that you can use throughout the quarter, but no more than four late days per assignment.
- A late day means anything between 1 second and 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds past a deadline
- If you submit past the late day limit, you get 0 points for that assignment
- There is no penalty for submitting late but within the limit
Fill in this form by Fri 1/17
so we can link your github and UCSD IDs. Otherwise you will get 0
for the programming assignments!
HW-link | Name | Deadline (23:59:59pm) |
HW #id | Github ID | Fri 1/17 |
HW #0 | Lambda Calculus | Wed 1/22 |
HW #1 | Intro to Haskell | Wed 2/5 |
HW #2 | Data types | Fri 2/14 |
HW #3 | Higher-order Functions | Fri 2/22 |
HW #4 | Interpreters | Fri 3/7 |
HW #5 | Classes | Fri 3/21 |
Sample Exam Questions
Note: 2018 exams are the most representative. Older exams use OCaml instead of Haskell. Check out these lecture notes for a comparison between the two languages.
Midterm Sp 15, ocaml code ported to haskell
Midterm Sp 14, ocaml code ported to haskell
Final Sp 18 (solution), Final Sp 14, Final Fa 12, Final Sp 12, Final Fa 11, Final Wi 11.