
Late Policy

You have a total of six late days that you can use throughout the quarter, but no more than four late days per assignment.

  • A late day means anything between 1 second and 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds past a deadline
  • If you submit past the late day limit, you get 0 points for that assignment
  • There is no penalty for submitting late but within the limit


HW-link Name Deadline (23:59:59pm)
HW #0 Lambda Calculus Wed 1/24
HW #1 Introduction to Haskell Wed 2/7
HW #2 Data types Fri 2/16
HW #3 Higher-order Functions Fri 3/1
HW #4 Interpreters Fri 3/15
HW #5 Classes Fri 3/22

Sample Exam Questions

Note: 2018 exams are the most representative. Older exams use OCaml instead of Haskell. Check out these lecture notes for a comparison between the two languages.